D D7 G B Em
And from my smitten heart, with tears, two wonders I con - fess
A7 D D7/F# G D/A A7 D
The wonder of re - deeming love and my un - worthi - ness
Verse 4
D D°7 D A D F#/C#
I take, O cross, thy shadow for my abiding place
Bm (F/C Bm/D B/D#) Em Bm/F# G
I ask no oth - er sun - shine than the sunshine of
His face
D D7 G B Em
Con - tent to let the world go by, to know no gain nor loss
A7 D D7/F# G D/A A7 D
My sinful self– my only shame, my glory– all the cross
Verse 5
D D°7 D A D F#/C#
O safe and happy shelter, O refuge tried and sweet
Bm (F/C Bm/D B/D#) Em Bm/F# G
O trysting place where heav - en's love and heaven's
justice meet
D D7 G B Em
As to the holy patri - arch that wondrous dream was giv'n
A7 D D7/F# G D/A A7 D
So seems my Saviour's cross to me a ladder up to heav'n